Ērān ud Anērān |
Transoxiana![]() |
Born July 9, 1933, Luga, Leningrad District, Russia.
MA Moscow University, Archaeology 1956
PhD Institute of Archaeology, Leningrad Archaeology 1965
Doctor Moscow University, Archaeology 1982
Historical Sciences
Junior Research Associate Academy of Sciencts of Tajikistan,
Institute of History, Dushanbe
from Junior Research, State Hermitage Museum,
Associate to Chief St. Petersburg
Research Fellow, Head of Central Asian and Caucasian Section (since 1978).
Since 1954 he has excavated at Panjikent, directing this archaeological expedition since 1978. Situated in Tadjikistan (Ancient Sogdia) this site is the best excavated early medieval town in Central Asia. It is extremely rich in well preserved murals and sculptures.
Two main topics of Marshak's publications are
1.Archaeology and Art History of Central Asia.
2. Medieval Eastern Silverware.
He participated in the International Conferences on the Silk Road and the Central Asian Art and Archaeology in St.Petersburg, Moscow, Samarkand, Tashkent, Dushanbe, Alma-Ata, London, Paris, Rome, Mainz, Berlin, Riggisberg, Halle, Nara ,Washington, New York, New Haven.
Marshak is a member of the Editorial of the international magazine "Silk Road Art and Archaeology" Kamakura (Japan) and a member of ICOMOS (UNESCO).
"Ehsan Yarshater Lectures on the Iranian Art and Archaeology", University of London, May 1995.
24 Lectures on the Silk Road Archaeology. Vienna University (Austria), 1995.
"Hagop Kevorkian Lectures on Near Eastern Art and Civilization" New York, NYU, March 1996.
Four Lectures on "Sogdian Religious Art" in College de France, Paris, June 1997.
2000,Visiting professor University of Pennsylvania
Course: "Cultural Contacts between East and West in 3rd-13th Centuries".
Seminar: "Panjikent. Its Art and Culture".1997-8 Senior Fellow,CASVA
1996,Visiting Professor "La Sapienza" University, Rome.
1995 Visiting Professor Vienna Ubiversity.
1994 Senior Fellow Metropolitan Museum of Art.
1992 Member Inst.for Advanced Study. Princeton.
1991 Senior Fellow CASVA.
1989 Senior Fellow Smithsonian Institution (Arthur Sackler Gallery).
2002 Foreign (associç§ Member of the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Institut de France)
1998 Foreign Corresponding Member of the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Institut de France)
1995 Honorary Member of the Archaeological Institute of America.
1991 Honorary Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society of the Great Britain and Ireland.
1990 Corresponding Member of IsMEO (Institute of the Middle and Far East, Rome).
1989 Prix Ghirshman de L'Academie (Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Institut de France).
1999 Order of Friendship (Tadjikistan)
Marshak, Boris I.
Нас было двое, которые пришли к Маршаку на первом курсе университета. Он сказал, что будет с нами заниматься, но он не преподаватель в широком смысле. Время показало обратное. Он был Преподавателем с большой буквы не только для своих аспирантов, но и для чужих, которые искренне считают его с тех пор своим учителем. Я специально пишу это по-русски, потому что он истинно русский ученый.
Most significant books
1. Legends, Tales and Fables in the Art of Sogdiana. Bibl. Persica Press. New York. 2002
2. Murals along the Silk Road. St. Petersburg (co-authors A.I.Kossolapov). "Formica"
3. Sokrovishcha Khana Kubrata. Pereshepinskii klad. (Treasures of Khan Kubrat: The Hoard from Pereshchepino). St. Petersburg 1997 (co-authors V.Zalesskaia and others).
4. The Treasures of Khan Kubrat. St.-Petersburg, 1997 (co-authors Z. LVova and others).
5. Treasures from the Obf Basin (in Russian with the English title and summary). Exhibition Catalogue. St.Petersburg, 1996. Editing (co-editor M.Kramarovsky), Introductory Article, 24 entries.
6. Silberschätze des Orients. Metallkunst des 3-13. Jahrhunderts und ihre Kontinuität, Leipzig, 1986.
7. The Painting of Sogdiana (co-author A.Belenitskii). Part One of the book: Azarpay G. Sogdian Painting. Berkeley - Los Angeles - London, 1981:11-77.
7. Sogdian Silver (in Russian with large English summary). Moscow, 1971.
Most significant articles
9. "A Sogdian Silver Bowl from the Freer Gallery of Art" Ars Orientalis XXIX, 1999, lOlff.
10. "L'Art Sogdien (IVe-IXe siecle)". In: Les Arts de 1' Asie Centrale. P.Chuvin ed. Paris "Citadelle et Mazenod" 1999, 114-163.
1l. "Sogd". A Chapter in "Istoriia tadzhikskogo naroda" [History of the Tajik People]. Dushanbe,2000.
12. "Sogd V-VIII w. Ideologiia po pamiatnikam isskustva" [Sogdian Ideology in 5th-8th Centuries]. In: Arkheologija. Srednjaja Azija i Dal'nii Vostok v epokhu srednevekov'ia. Srednjaja Azija v rannem srednevekov'e. G.Brykina ed. Moscow, "Nauka", 1999: 175-191.
13. "Sogdian Art". In: New History of World Art, "Shogakukan", 1999 Vol.15: 207-218, 386-395 /in Japanese /
14. "Le mythe de Nana dans 1'art de la Sogdiane." Arts Asiatiques, t.53-1998:5-18 /coauthor F. Grenet/
15. "The Tiger, Raised from the Dead: Two Murals from Panjikent," Bulletin of the Asia Institute, vol. 10,1996 (1998): 207-17.
16. "Sughd" (Sogdiana). In: History of Civilization of Central Asia, vol.III. UNESCO Publishing. 1996:233-58.
17. "On the Iconography of Ossuaries from Biya Naiman". Silk Road Art and Archaeology (S.R.A.A.), vol.4, Kamakura, 1995/6:299-321.
18. "Le programme iconographique des peintures de la "Salle des Ambassadeurs" a Afrasiab (Samarkand)", Arts Asiatiques (A.A.), Tome XLIX, 1994:1-20.
19. "The Historico-Cultural Significance of the Sogdian Calendar", Iran, vol. XXX, London, 1992:145-54.,/T^
20. "Worshippers from the Northern Shrine of Temple II, Panjikent" (co-author V. Raspopova). Bull, of the Asia Institute, vol.8, 1994:187-207.
21. "Cultes communautaires et cultes prives en Sogdiane" (co-author V.Raspopova). In: Histoire et cultes de 1'Asie Centrale preislamique. Paris, CNRS, 1991:187-195.
22. "A Hunting Scene from Panjikent" (co-author V.Raspopova). Bull.of the Asia Institute, vol.4,1990:77-94.
23. "Les fouilles de Pendjikent", CRAI, 1990:286-313.
24. "Wall Painting from a House with a Granary. Panjikent, 1st Quarter of the Eighth Century A.D." S.R.A.A., vol.1, 1990:123-176.
25. "Some Notes on the Tomb of Li-Xian and his Wife under Northern Zhou Dynasty at Guyuan, Ningxia and its Gold-Gilt Silver Ewer with Greek Mythological Scenes Unearthed There." (in Japanese with English title), (co-author Wakou Anazawa). Cultura Antiqua, vol.4,N.4, 1989:49-57.
26. "Une image sogdienne du dieu-patriarche de I'agriculture" (co-author V.Raspopova). Studia Iranica, t.!6,f.2, 1987:193-199.
27. "Iskusstvo Sogda (The Art of Sogdia)." In: Tsentral'naia Aziia . Novye Pamiatniki pis'mennosti i iskusstva. Moscow, 1987:233-248.
28. "La Trasoxiana i els territoris adjacents." In the exhibition catalogue: Asia, ruta de les estepes. D'Alexandre el Gran a Genguis Khan. Barcelona, "La Caixa", 2000: 83-101.
29. Drevnosti Tadzhikistana. (Antiquities from Tajikistan) Dushanbe 1985. Co-authors B.Litvinski, E.Zeimal, N.Negmatov.
30. Oxus.2000 Jahre Kunst am Oxus-Fluss in Mittelasien. Zurich, 1989.
31. Oxus: Tesori dell Asia Centrale. Roma, 1993.
32. Cultural Contacts between East and West. Tokyo-Osaka 1985: Introduction, articles before the parts of the catalogue, 31 entries (in Japanese with the English title).
33. Treasures of Khan Kubrat. Cultures of Bulgars, Khazars and Slavs. Sofia, 1989 (co-authors V.Zalesskaya, I.Zasetskaya and others).
34. Spaetantike und fruehbyzantinische Silbergefasse aus der Staatlichen Ermitage Leningrad. Ausstelling der Staatlichen Ermitage Leningrad in der Fruhchristlich -byzantinischen Sammlung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, Dezember 1978 bis Marz 1978 (co-authors A. Effenberger, V. Zalesskaja, I.Zasetskaya), Berlin 1978.
35. Otchet o raskopkakh na gorodishche Drevnego Pendzhikenta v 1998 g. [Report of the Excavations in Panjikent in 1998]. St.Petersburg, 1999 (co-authors V.I. Raspopova and V.G.Shkoda)
36. Otchet o raskopkakh na gorodishche Drevnego Pendzhikenta v 1999 g. [Report of the Excavations in Panjikent in 1999]. St.Petersburg, 2000 (co-author V.I. Raspopova )
37. Otchet o raskopkakh na gorodishche Drevnego Pendzhikenta v 2000 g. [Report of the Excavations in Panjikent in 2000]. St.Petersburg, 2001 (co-author V.I. Raspopova )
38. Analiz arckheologicheskikh istochnikov (Vozmozhnosti formalize vannogo podkhoda). [Analysis of the Archaeological Data. The Advantage of Formalization]. Moscow 1975 (co-authors I.Kamenetskii, Ya. Sher).
39. "Late- Antic Silver". In: Stroganov: The Palace and Collections of a Russian Noble Family. P.Hunter-Stiebel ed. Portland OR, 2000: 101-103, 236.
40. "Buddha Icon from Panjikent" In: SRAA, vol.5,1997/98: 297-305 (co-author V.I.Raspopova).
42. "Die iranische und mitellasiatische Metallschmidekunst von 6. vorchristlichen Jahrhundert bis zum 8. Jahrhundert n. Chr." In: Weihrauch und Seide: Alte Kulturen an der Seidestrasse. Vienna 1996: 141-143, 401-3, 412-4, 422-3.
43. "Der Schatz von Malaya Pereshchepina" (co-authors N.Fonyakova, Z.LVova, V.Zalesskaja). In: Reitervoelker aus dem Osten:Hunnen +Awaren. Schloss Halbturn, Eisenstadt. 4§&l:209-26.
44. Serinde, Terre de Bouddha. Dix siecles d'art sur la Route de la Soie, Grand Palais, Paris, 1995 (entries 21, 24, 96, 240).
45."Research of Sogdian Civilization in Penjikent, Tajikistan" (co-author V.Raspopova). In: New Archaeological Discoveries in Asiatic Russia and Central Asia. St.Petersburg. 1994:79-82.
46. "K voprosu o sel'dzukskoi torevtike (Concerning the Seljuk Metalwork)". In: Vostochnoe istoricheskoe istochnikovedenie. Spetsial'nye istoricheskie distsipliny. vol.2, Moscow, 1994: 237-247.
47."New Investigations of the Sogdian Culture in Pendjikent" (in Russian with the English Summary) (co-authors V.Raspopova, V.Shkoda). Arkheologicheskie Vesti (Archaeological News), No 2, St. Petersburg, 1993: 91-102.
48. La Seta e la sua via, Rome, 1994 (entries 20, 26, 27, 30, 35).
49."The Khvar Sun Cult of Central Asia". In:"The Sun: Symbol of Power and Life. Complided and presented by M.Singh. New York, 1994: 223-33.
50. Splendeur des Sassanides. Brussels. 1993 (26 entries).
51. Aus den Schatzkammern Eurasiens: Meisterwerke antiker Kunst, Kunsthaus, Zurich 1993 (entries 150-3).
52. "L'argenterie sogdienne et son rayonnement sur le continent eurasitique". In: Le grand atlas de 1'art. Vol.1, Paris, 1993: 120-121.
53. "Les nomades et la Sogdiane" (co-author V.Raspopova). In: Nomades et sedentaires en Asie Centrale, Paris, 1990: 179-85.
54. "The Style of Filigree in the Mongol Era: Pan-Eurasian Affinities". In: Foundations of Empire. G.Seeman (ed.). The University of South California. 1991: 184-190.
55. Masterpieces of Islamic Art in the Hermitage Museum. Kuweit, 1990 (15 entries).
56. The Grand Exhibition of Silk Road Civilizations. The Oasis and Steppe Routes. Nara, 1988: 265-271 (14 entries).
57. "Pod'emnaia mashina v khrame drevnego Pendzhikenta (The Lifting Machine in the Panjikent Temple)", In: Proshloe Srednei Azi. Dushanbe 1987: 95-103.
58. "Vostochnye analogii zdaniam tipa vpisannogo kresta: Pendzhikent i Bamian VI-VIII vv. (The Oriental Parallels to the "Cross-Inscribed" Architectural Type: Panjikent and Bamiyan,6-8 cc.)". In: Probleme der Architektur des Orients. Halle/Salle, 1983: 53-64.
59. "Zur Toreutik der Kreuzfahrer". In: Metallkunst von Spaetantike bis zum ausgehenden Mittelalter. Berlin, 1982: 166-184.
60. "K kharakteristike tovarno-denezhnykh otnoshenii v rannesrednevekovom Sogde (On the Monetary Relationships in Sogdia in the Early Middle Ages)" (co-authors A.Belenitskii, V.Raspopova). In:Tovarno-denezhnye otnosheniia pri feodalizme. Moscow 1980: 15-26.
61. "Sotsialfnaia struktura naseleniia drevnego Pendzhikenta (Social Structure of the Ancient Panjikent)" (co-authors A.Belenitskii, V.Raspopova). In: Tovarno-denezhnye otnosheniia na Blizhnem i Srednem Vostoke v epokhy srednevekov'ia. Moscow 1979: 19-26.
62."Ranneislamskie bronzovyi bliuda (siro-egipetskaia i iranskaia tradisii v iskusstve Khalifata).[The Early Islamic Bronze Platters (Syro-Egyptian and Iranian Traditions in the Art of the Caliphate)]" Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha, vol. XIX, 1978: 26-
63."Baktriiskie chashi (Bactrian Bowls)" In: Antiichnost' i antichnye traditsii v Kul'ture i iskusstve narodov Sovetskogo Vostoka. Moscow 1978: 258-268.
64. "Serebrianye sosudy X-XI vv., ikh znachenie dlja periiodizatsii iskusstva Irana i Srednei Azii (Silver Vessels of the 10th-l 1th Centuries and the Boundary between the Periods of the History of Art in Iran and Central Asia)". In: Iskusstvo i arkheologiia Irana, vol.11. Moscow, 1978: 148-73.
65. "Bronzovyi kuvshin iz Samarkanda (The Bronze Ewer from Samarkand)" In:Srednjaja Azija i Iran. Leningrad, 1972: 61-90.
66. "L'art de Pendjikent a la lumiere des dernieres fouilles (1958-1968)" (co-author A.Belenitski). AA, tome 23. 1971: 3-40.
67. "Kod dlia opisaniia keramiki Pendzhikenta V-VI vv. (Code for the Pottery from Panjikent 5-6 c.c.)". In: Statistico-kombinatornye metody v arkheologii. Moscow, 1970: 25-52.
68. "Chilekskie chashi (Bowls from Chilek)" (co-author Y. Krikis) Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha, vol.X, 1969: 55-60.
69. "Vliyanie torevtiki na sogdiiskuiu keramiku (The Influence of Metalwork on the Sogdian Pottery)", Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha, vol. V, 1961: 177-201.
70. "Otchet o rabotakh na ob'ekte XII za 1955-1960 gg.(Report of the 1955-60 Excavations of Sector XII in Panjikent)", Materialy i issledovaniia po arkheologii SSSR. No.124 (Moscow- Leningrad. 1964): 182-243.
The original Russian versions of those articles which have been translated into the Western languages, yearly excavation reports, reviews, notes and short reports, brief accounts and abstracts of the conference papers, articles for the encyclopaedia, etc. are not included.
Into Russia:
19a. Istoriko-kul'turnoe znachenie sogdiiskogo kalendarya. In: Mirovaya kul'tura. Tradizii i sovremennost (The Worlds Cultui Traditions and modern). Moscow, 1991: 183 - 197.
20a. Adoranti iz Severnoi kapelli II chrama Pendzhikenta. In: Problemii nterpretazii pamyatnikov kulfturi Vostoka (The Problems of Interpretation of the Cultures Monuments in East). Moscow, 1991: 173 - 187.
37a. Otchet o raskopkah na gorodishche Drevnego Pendzhikenta v 2001 g. [Report of the Excavations in Pandjikent in 2001]. St.Petersburg, 2002 [co-author V.I.Raspopova].
37b. Otchet o raskopkah na gorodishche Drevnego Pendzhikenta v 2002 g. [Report of the Excavations in Pandjikent in 2002] St.Petersburg, 2003 (co-author V.I.Raspopova.
Peerless Images Persian Painting and its Sources (coll. with E.Siffls and E.J.Grube). New Haven and Leiden, 2002.
Zoroastrian Art in Iran under the Parthians and the Sasanians, in: Zoroastrians Treasure. Bombay, 2002.
38c. Masterpieces from Tadjikistan. In: Treasures of the Ancient Bactria. Miho Museum, 2002: 228 - 229.
38d. Turks and Sogdians. In: The Turks. Early Ages. Ankara, 2002: 382-388.
38e. The Sogdians in their Homeland. In: Monks and Merchants. Silk Road Treasures from Northwest China Gansu and Ningxia, 4th -7th Cent. By A.L.Juliano and J.Lerner. New York, 2002: 231 -237.
Central Asia from the Third to the Seventh Century. In: Nomads, Traders and Holy Men along China's Silk Road. Ed. by A.L. Juliano and J.Lerner. Brepols, 2001: 11 - 23 (Silk Road Studies, VII).
38g. The Silber Rhyton in the Shrine of the Khanti [Serebryanii riton iz khantiiskogo svyatilischa]. In: Arkheologiya, etnographiya i antropologiya Evrasii, 3 (7). Novosibirsk, 2001: 133 - 141 (co-author A.V.Baulo).
38h. "Notes additionnelles" sur A.Berdimuradov et M.Samibaev "Une nouvelle peinture murale sogdienne dans le temple de Dzartepa II, In: Studia Iranica. T. 30, fasc. 1, 2001: 58 - 6? (co-author F.Grenet).
38i. The Ceilings of the Varakhsha Palace. In: Parthica. Inconti di culture nel mondo antico, 2, 2000, Pisa, Roma: 153 - 167.
38j. Kratkii otchet o rabotakh na gorodishche Drevnego Pendzhikenta v 1986 - 1999 godakh (The Brief Report about Works in Pandjikent in 1986 - 1999) * In: Archeologicheskie raboti v Tadjikistane, 26. Dushanbe, 2000: 189 - ?08 (co-author V.Raspopova and V.Shkoda).
"Les trouvailles dans la chapelle nord - ouest du Temple II de Pendjikent. A propos de1 heritage classique dans 1'art sogdien In: Bulletin of the Asia Institute. N.S. Vol. 12. 1998: 161 -169 (co-author V.Raspopova).
34b. The Decoration of some late Sasanian Silver Vessels and its Subject-Matter. In: The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Persia. New Light on the Parthian and Sasanian Empires. London, New York 1998: 84 - 92.
45a. Sassanian Silver. Soghdian Silver. The Painting and Scilpture of Pendjikent. In: The State Hermitage. Masterpieces from the Museum's Collections. Vol. I. London, 1994: 410- 411, 430, 442 -443, NN 397 - 401, 418 - 423, 430 - 435.
64a. Cherti mirovozzreniva sogdiizev VII - VIII w. v iskusstve
Pendfjikenta (The features Sogdians views of the VII - VIII cenl in the Art of Pandjikent). In: Istoriya i kul'tura narodov Srednei Asii (drevnost i srednie veka). Moscow, 1976: 75 - 89.