Ērān ud Anērān |
Transoxiana![]() |
A detailed bibliographical account of Buddhist Sogdian literature had already been published by D. A. Utz1, but, as far as I know, nothing similar has ever been undertaken for Christian Sogdian literature. My work is a small contribution to fill this gap, so that scholars in different fields may find most of the studies on this subject collected together.
Among the many works on Christianity in Central Asia and China during the first millenium2 and on Sogdians in general3, a certain number has been devoted to the subject of what I call Christiano-Sogdica. By this term I mean the relationship between Sogdians and Christianity as revealed in their history, language, literature, and art, covering the geographical area of Sogdiana and the Sogdian colonies throughout Central Asia and into China, and the historical period in which Sogdian language was used as lingua franca by Sogdian merchants and witnessed by literary evidence. The materials reported here can be divided into these four broad topics:
A) Historical surveys on the expansion of Christianity (mainly the Syro-Oriental Church, but also the Melkite Church) into Central Asia in general, with some references to its diffusion into Sogdiana. Particular stress is put on the important role played by Sogdians, in their homeland and in their migrations towards the East, in transmitting the Christian faith into Asia. The manifold religious and cultural milieus in which they moved, and the mutual influences to which this diversity gave rise are also considered. See the works of Bartol'd, Bogomolov, Colless, Dauvillier, England (1996), Gao, Ge, Gillman-Klimkeit, Hage, Hunter, Klimkeit, Mingana, Musakaeva, Nikitin, Petruševskij, Semenov, Sims-Williams (1992a), Tremblay, Tubach, Widengren.
B) Literary sources (Christian fragments, the great majority deriving from the site of Bulayïq, north of Turfan), restricted to those written in the Sogdian language, both Christian Sogdian texts in Sogdian script and Christian Sogdian texts in Syriac script. A great many of the studies are in fact concerned with these manuscripts4: their edition, initiated by Müller and continued by Lentz, Hansen, Schwartz, Sundermann and Sims-Williams, together with their translation and interpretation. Apart from the texts' editions, many articles offer a general introduction to Sogdian Christian literary production: see the works of Asmussen, Baumstark, Burkitt, Dresden, England, Hansen (1951, 1966, 1968), Khromov, Lin, Panaino, Rong, Sims-Williams (1990a, 1991, 1992b, 1992c, 1997a, 1997b), Schwartz (1994). More detailed presentation of individual texts are also given: see Benveniste (1943-1945, 1955.1959), Gershevitch, MacKenzie, Peters, Schwartz (1974), Sims-Williams (1994b), Wellesz.
C) Linguistic peculiarities of the Christian Sogdian language, which differentiate it from the Sogdian of Manichaean and Buddhist texts: lexical observations, morphological analyses, loanwords from Syriac and other languages. See the works of Benveniste (1964), Kaschewsky, Salemann (1907, 1913), Sims-Williams (1983, 1988, 1989, 1994a), Telegdi, Yoshida.
D) Archaeological sources: inscriptions (in particular epigraphic materials from Semireč'e), crosses, and coins, that testified to the presence of Sogdian Christians in Asia. See the works of Al'baum, Benveniste (1937-1939), Francke, Goriačeva - Peregudova, Haussig, Ivanickij, Lala Comneno, Livšic, Müller (1925), Naymark, Pajkova, Pajkova - Marshak, Rtveladze - Tašxodžaev, Sims-Williams (1990b, 1993), Šiškina, Slutskij, Tardieu, Uray.
The following list of all references is arranged by the authors' names in alphabetical order; among the works belonging to the same author, the order is determined by the year of publication. Listed are those works which include at least some meaningful mention of Sogdian Christians. It goes without saying, however, that this bibliography does not claim to be exhaustive5.
Al'baum, L. I.
1994 "Xristianskij xram v starom Termeze" [Christian Temple in Old Termez], in Iz istorii drevnix kul'tovsrednej Azii. Xristianstvo [From the History of Ancient Cults in Central Asia. Christianity], Glavnaja Redakcija Enciklopedii, Taškent 1994, 34-41.
Asmussen, Jes Peter
1975a "Iranische neutestamentliche Zitate und Texte und ihre textkritische Bedeutung", Altorientalische Forschungen 2 (1975) 79-92.
1975b "Den kristne litteratur på iransk og uighur-tyrkisk i Centralasien før Islams egentlige ekspansion", in Niels Hyldahl - Eduard Nielsen (eds.), Hilsen til Noack. Fra Kolleger og medarbejdere til Bent Noack på 60-årsdagen den 22. august 1975, G.E.C. Gad, København 1975, 9-22.
1982 "The Sogdian and Uighur-Turkish Christian Literature in Central Asia before the Real Rise of Islam: A Survey", in Luise Anna Hercus - Jacobus Franciscus Bernardus Kuiper - Tissa Rajapatirana - Edmund R. Skrzypczak (eds.), Indological and Buddhist Studies. Volume in Honour of Professor J. W. de Jong on his Sixtieth Birthday, Faculty of Asian Studies, Canberra 1982, 11-29. Reprint: Sri Satguru, Delhi 1984 (Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica 27).
1999 "Qian yisilan shidai zhongya suteyu he huigu tujueyu jidujiao wenxian gaishu" (The Sogdian and Uighur-Turkish Christian Literature in Central Asia before the Real Rise of Islam: A Survey), Guoji hanxue (International Sinology) 4 (1999) 345-366 [Chinese translation, by Chen Huaiyu, of Asmussen 1982].
Bartol'd, V. V.
1964a "Ešče o xristianstve v srednej Azii" [More about Christianity in Central Asia], in Id., Sočinenija, II/2, Nauka, Moskva 1964.
1964b "O xristianstve v Turkestane v domongol'skij period" [On Christianity in Turkestan in Pre-Mongol Period], Zapiski Vostočnogo otdelenia Imperatorskogo Russkogo arxeologičeskogo obščestva 8 (1894) 1-32. Reprinted in: Id., Sočinenija, II/2, Nauka, Moskva 1964, 265-302.
Baumstark, Anton
1913 "Die christlich-literarischen Turfan-Funde", Oriens Christianus [New Series] 3 (1913) 328-332.
1915 "Neue soghdisch-nestorianische Bruchstücke", Oriens Christianus [New Series] 4 (1915) 123-128.
Benveniste, Émile
1937-1939 "Notes sogdiennes", Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 9/3 (1937-1939) 495-519 [in particular: "II. L'inscription sogdienne de Ladakh", 502-505].
1943-1945 "Fragments des Actes de saint Georges en version sogdienne", Journal Asiatique 234 (1943-1945) 91-116. Reprinted in: Id., Études sogdiennes, Reichert, Wiesbaden 1979 (Beiträge zur Iranistik 9), 190-215.
1955. 1959 "Études sur quelques textes sogdiens chrétiens", Journal Asiatique 243 (1955) 297-337; 247 (1959) 115-136.
1964 "Le vocabulaire chrétien dans les langues d'Asie centrale", in Atti del Convegno Internazionale sul tema: l'Oriente cristiano nella storia delle civiltà (Roma 31 marzo - 3 aprile 1963, Firenze 4 aprile 1963), Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma 1964 (Problemi attuali di scienza e di cultura 62), 85-92. Reprinted in: Id., Études sogdiennes, Reichert, Wiesbaden 1979 (Beiträge zur Iranistik 9), 308-314.
Bogomolov, G. I.
1994 "O xristianstve v Čače" [On Christianity in Chach], in Iz istorii drevnix kul'tov srednej Azii. Xristianstvo [From the History of Ancient Cults in Central Asia. Christianity], Glavnaja Redakcija Enciklopedii, Taškent 1994, 71-78.
Brock, Sebastian
1980 "Some Early Syriac Baptismal Commentaries", Orientalia Christiana Periodica 46/1 (1980) 20-61.
1986 "An Early Syriac Commentary on the Liturgy", Journal of Theological Studies [New Series] 37 (1986) 387-403.
Burkitt, Francis C.
1925 "The Soghdian Lectionary", in Id., The Religion of the Manichees. Donnellan Lectures for 1924, University Press, Cambridge 1925, 119-125. Reprint: AMS Press, New York 1978.
Colless, Brian E.
1986 "The Nestorian Province of Samarqand", Abr-Nahrain 24 (1986) 51-57.
Dauvillier, Jean
1948 "Les Provinces Chaldéennes «de l'Extérieur» au Moyen Age", in Mélanges offerts au R. P. Ferdinand Cavallera, Bibliothèque de l'Institut Catholique, Toulouse 1948, 261-316.
Dresden, Mark J.
1983 "Sogdian Language and Literature", in Ehsan Yarshater (ed.), The Cambridge History of Iran, III/2, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1983, 1216-1229.
England, John C.
1995 "The Earliest Christian Writings in Asia: An Appreciation", in Brett Knowles (ed.), Proceedings of the Research Group for Asian and Pacific Christianity and Cultures 1993-1994, Centre for Contextual Theology, Dunedin 1995, 1-20.
1996 The Hidden History of Christianity in Asia: the Churches of the East before the Year 1500, Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge & Christian Conference of Asia, Delhi - Hong Kong 1996, 43-58; 124-147. Reprint: 1998.
1997 "Early Asian Christian Writings, 5th-12th Centuries: An Appreciation", Asian Journal of Theology 11/1 (1997) 154-171 [Revised version of England 1995].
2002 "The Earliest Christian Writings in Asia: An Appreciation", in John C. England - Janice Wickeri - David Suh Kwang-sun - John M. Prior - Lily A. Quintos - Jose Kuttianimattathil (eds.), Asian Christian Theologies: A Research Guide to Authors, Movements, Sources, I, Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge - Claretian - Orbis, Delhi - Quezon City - New York 2002, 3-26 [Revised version of England 1995 and 1997].
Francke, August Hermann
1925 "Felsinschriften in Ladakh", Sitzungsberichte der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Philosophisch-historische Klasse (1925) 366-370.
Gao Yongjiu
1996 "Jingjiao de chansheng ji qi zai xiyu de chuanbo" (The Genesis of Nestorianism and Its Dissemination in West China), Shijie zongjiao yanjiu (Studies in World's Religions) 3 (1996) 91-101.
Ge Chengyong
2001 "Tangdai Chang'an yige sute jiating de jingjiao xinyang" [The Nestorian Faith of a Sogdian Family in Chang'an during the Tang Dynasty], Lishi yanjiu (Historical Research) 3 (2001) 181-186.
Gershevitch, Ilya
1946 "On the Sogdian St. George Passion", Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 3-4 (1946) 179-184.
Gillman, Ian - Klimkeit, Hans-Joachim
1999 "Christians in Central Asia", in Id., Christians in Asia before 1500, Curzon, Richmond 1999, 205-263.
Goriačeva, V. D. - Peregudova, S. Ja.
1994 "Pamjatniki xristianstva na territorii Kyrgyzstana" [Christian Monuments in the Territory of Kirghizistan], in Iz istorii drevnix kul'tov srednej Azii. Xristianstvo [From the History of Ancient Cults in Central Asia. Christianity], Glavnaja Redakcija Enciklopedii, Taškent 1994, 84-95.
Hage, Wolfgang
1970 Untersuchungen zum Leben der Christen Zentralasiens im Mittelalter, Marburg 1970 (Unveröffentlichte Habilitationsschrift).
1978a "Einheimische Volkssprachen und syrische Kirchensprache in der nestorianischen Asienmission", in Gernot Wießner (ed.), Erkenntnisse und Meinungen II, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1978 (Göttinger Orientforschungen I. Syriaca 17), 131-160.
1978b "Der Weg nach Asien. Die ostsyrische Missionskirche", in Knut Schäferdiek (ed.), Die Kirche des früheren Mittelalters, Kaiser, München 1978 (Kirchengeschichte als Missionsgeschichte 2.1), 360-393.
1983 "Kulturelle Kontakte des ostsyrischen Christentums in Zentralasien", in René Lavenant (ed.), III Symposium Syriacum 1980. Les contacts du monde syriaque avec les autres cultures (Goslar 7-11 septembre 1980), Pontificium Institutum Studiorum Orientalium, Roma 1983 (Orientalia Christiana Analecta 221), 143-159.
1987 "Das Christentum in der Turfan-Oase. Zur Begegnung der Religionen in Zentralasien", in Walther Heissig - Hans-Joachim Klimkeit (eds.), Synkretismus in den Religionen Zentralasiens. Ergebnisse eines Kolloquiums vom 24.5 bis 26.5.1983 in St. Augustin bei Bonn, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1987 (Studies in Oriental Religions 13), 46-57.
1988a "The Christian Community in the Oasis of Turfan", in Id., Syriac Christianity in the East, St. Efrem Ecumenical Research Institute, Kottayam 1988 (Mōrān ´Eth´ō Series 1), 42-54 [Slightly modified version of Hage 1987].
1988b "Christian Influence in the World of Central Asia", in Id., Syriac Christianity in the East, St. Efrem Ecumenical Research Institute, Kottayam 1988 (Mōrān ´Eth´ō Series 1), 55-67 [Slighty modified version of Hage 1983].
1988c "Missionary Enterprise of the Church of the East in Central and East Asia", in Id., Syriac Christianity in the East, St. Efrem Ecumenical Research Institute, Kottayam 1988 (Mōrān ´Eth´ō Series 1), 14-26 [Abstract of Hage 1978b].
Hansen, Olaf
1941a Berliner soghdische Texte I. Bruchstücke einer soghdischen Version der Georgspassion (C 1), Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1941 (Abhandlungen der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse 1941/10).
1941b "Ein Fragment der Georgspassion in soghdischer Sprache aus Turfan", Forschungen und Fortschritte 17/33-34 (1941) 360-361.
1951 "Die christliche Literatur der Sogdier: eine Übersicht", in Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur in Mainz. Jahrbuch 1951, Steiner, Wiesbaden 1951, 296-302.
1955 Berliner soghdische Texte II. Bruchstücke der großen Sammelhandschrift C 2, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Wiesbaden 1955 (Abhandlungen der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur in Mainz 1954/15).
1966 "Über die verschiedenen Quellen der christlichen Literatur der Sogdier", in Jes Peter Asmussen - Jørgen Læssøe (eds.), Iranian Studies Presented to Kaj Barr on His Seventieth Birthday June 26, 1966, Munksgaard, København 1966 (Acta Orientalia 30), 95-102.
1968 "Die christliche Literatur der Sogdier", in Bertold Spuler (ed.), Handbuch der Orientalistik, I/IV:2.1, Brill, Leiden - Köln 1968, 91-99.
1969 "Der Anteil der Iranier an der Ausbreitung des Christentums nach Zentralasien", in Wolfgang Voigt (ed.), XVII. Deutscher Orientalistentag vom 21. bis 27. Juli 1968 in Würzburg. Vorträge, III, Steiner, Wiesbaden 1969 (Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft. Supplementa 1.3), 1032-1035.
Haussig, Hans Wilhelm
1979 "La missione cristiana nell'Asia centrale e orientale nei secoli VI e VII e le sue tracce archeologiche e letterarie", in XXVI Corso di cultura sull'arte ravennate e bizantina. Ravenna, 6/18 maggio 1979, Edizioni del Girasole, Ravenna 1979, 171-195.
Hunter, Erica C. D.
1992 "Syriac Christianity in Central Asia", Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 44/4 (1992) 362-368.
1996 "The Church of the East in Central Asia", Bulletin of John Rylands University Library of Manchester 78/3 (1996) 129-142.
Ivanickij, I. D.
1994 "Xristianskaja simvolika v Sogde" [Christian Symbolism in Sogdiana], in Iz istorii drevnix kul'tov srednej Azii. Xristianstvo [From the History of Ancient Cults in Central Asia. Christianity], Glavnaja Redakcija Enciklopedii, Taškent 1994, 64-70.
Kaschewsky, Rudolf
2002 "Das Sogdische - Bindeglied zwischen christlicher und buddhistischer Terminologie", in Wolfgang Gantke - Karl Hoheisel - Wassilios Klein (eds.), Religionsbegegnung und Kulturaustausch in Asien. Studien zum Gedenken an Hans-Joachim Klimkeit, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2002 (Studies in Oriental Religions 49), 120-139.
Khromov, A. L.
1992 "Sogdijskaja xristianskaja literatura" [Sogdian Christian Literature], in Vostočnyj Turkestan v drevnosti i rannem srednekov'e: Etnos. Jasyki. Religii, Nauka, Moskva 1992, 291-293.
Klimkeit, Hans-Joachim
1981 "Christentum und Buddhismus in der innerasiatischen Religionsbewegung", Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 33/3 (1981) 208-220.
1985 "Christian-Buddhist Encounter in Medieval Central Asia", in Gary Wayne Houston (ed.), The Cross and the Lotus. Christianity and Buddhism in Dialogue, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi - Varanasi - Patna - Madras 1985, 9-24.
1986 Die Begegnung von Christentum, Gnosis und Buddhismus an der Seidenstraße, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1986 (Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Geisteswissenschaften. Vorträge G 283).
1998 "Buddhistische Elemente in der christlichen Literatur Zentralasiens", in Dorothea Lüddeckens (ed.), Begegnung von Religionen und Kulturen. Festschrift für Norbert Klaes, Röll, Dettelbach 1998, 135-143.
Lala Comneno, Maria Adelaide
1995 "Cristianesimo nestoriano in Asia centrale nel primo millennio: testimonianze archeologiche", Orientalia Christiana Periodica 61 (1995) 495-535.
Lin Wushu
1995 "Sutewen ji qi xieben shulüe" [A Survey on Sogdian Language and Its Written Sources], in Kelimukaite [Klimkeit] - Lin Wushu, Gudai monijiao yishu [Ancient Manichaean Art], Shuxin chubanshe, Taibei 1995 (Shijie wenhua congshu [A Series of the Cultures of the World]), 109-122.
Livšic, Vladimir Aronovič
1981 "Sogdijcy v Semireč'e: lingvističeskie i epigrafičeskie svidetel'stva" [Sogdians in Semireč'e: Linguistic and Epigraphic Evidence], in Ju. A. Petrosian et al. (eds.), Pis'mennye pamjatniki i problemy istorii kul'tury narodov vostoka, XV godičnaja naučnaja sessija LO IV AN SSSR (doklady i soobščenija) dekabr' 1979 g., I/2, Nauka, Moskva 1981, 76-85.
1996 "Sogdijskie teksty, dokumenty i epigrafika" [Sogdian Texts, Documents and Epigraphics], in Istočnikovedenie Kirgizstana (s drevnosti do XIX v.), Ilim, Biškek 1996, 215-273.
MacKenzie, David Neil
1970 "Christian Sogdian Notes", Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 33/1 (1970) 116-124.
Metzger, Bruce Manning
1977 "The Sogdian Version", in Id., The Early Versions of the New Testament: Their Origin, Transmission, and Limitations, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1977, 279-281.
Mingana, Alphonse
1925 "The Early Spread of Christianity in Central Asia and the Far East: A New Document", Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 9 (1925) 297-371.
Müller, Friedrich Wilhelm Karl
1907 "Neutestamentliche Bruchstücke in soghdischer Sprache", Sitzungsberichte der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 13 (1907) 260-270. Reprinted in: Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Müller - Albert August von Le Coq - Karl Foy - Gabdul Rašid Rachmati, Sprachwissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschen Turfan-Forschung, III, Zentralantiquariat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Leipzig 1985 (Opuscola 3.3), 139-149.
1913 Soghdische Texte I., Verlag der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1913 (Abhandlungen der Königlichen Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 1912/2). Reprinted in: Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Müller - Albert August von Le Coq - Karl Foy - Gabdul Rašid Rachmati, Sprachwissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschen Turfan-Forschung, III, Zentralantiquariat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Leipzig 1985 (Opuscola 3.3), 199-309.
1925 "Eine soghdische Inschrift in Ladakh", Sitzungsberichte der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse (1925) 371-372.
Müller, Friedrich Wilhelm Karl - Lentz, Wolfgang
1934 "Soghdische Texte II. Aus dem Nachlaß herausgegeben von Dr. W. Lentz in Berlin", Sitzungsberichte der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse 21 (1934) 504-607. Reprinted in: Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Müller - Albert August von Le Coq - Karl Foy - Gabdul Rašid Rachmati, Sprachwissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschen Turfan-Forschung, III, Zentralantiquariat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Leipzig 1985 (Opuscola 3.3), 310-413.
Musakaeva, A. A.
1994 "O nestorianax v srednej Azii" [On the Nestorians in Central Asia], in Iz istorii drevnix kul'tov srednej Azii. Xristianstvo [From the History of Ancient Cults in Central Asia. Christianity], Glavnaja Redakcija Enciklopedii, Taškent 1994, 42-55.
Naymark, Aleksandr
1996 "Christians in Pre-Islamic Bukhara. Numismatic Evidence", in Johan Elverskog - Aleksandr Naymark (eds.), Annual Central Eurasian Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers 1994-1996, Indiana University, Bloomington 1996.
2001 Sogdiana, its Christians and Byzantium: A Study of Artistic and Cultural Connection in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages, Indiana University, Bloomington 2001 (Ph. D. Dissertation).
Nikitin, A. B.
1984 "Xristianstvo v central'noj Azii (drevnosti srednevekov'e)" [Christianity in Central Asia in Antiquity and Middle Ages], in B. A. Litvinskij (ed.), Vostočnyj Turkestan i srednjaja Azija. Istorija. Kul'tura. Svjazi, GRVL, Moskva 1984, 121-137.
1992 "Xristianstvo" [Christianity], in B. A. Litvinskij (ed.), Vostočnyj Turkestan v drevnosti i rannem srednevekov'e, Nauka, Moskva 1992, 533-549.
Pajkova, Aza Vladimirovna
1979 "The Syrian Ostracon from Panjikant", Le Muséon 92/1-2 (1979) 159-169 [under the name Paykova].
1981 "Sirijskij ostrakon iz Pendžikenta" [The Syrian Ostracon from Panjikant], in Pis'mennye pamjatniki vostoka. Istoriko-filologičeskie issledovanija 1974, Nauka, Moskva 1981, 78-86.
Pajkova, Aza V. - Marshak, Boris I.
1976 "Sirijskaja nadpis' iz Pendžikenta" [The Syriac Inscription from Panjikant], Kratkie Soobščenija Instituta Arxeologii AN SSR 147 (1976) 34-38.
Panaino, Antonio
1987-1988 "Note sulla lingua e la letteratura cristiano-sogdiana", Atti del Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese 29 (1987-1988) 18-30.
Peters, Curt
1936 "Der Text der soghdischen Evangelienbruchstücke und das Problem der Pešiṭta", Oriens Christianus [3. Series] 11 (1936) 153-162.
Petruševskij, I. P.
1966 "K istorii xristianstva v srednej Azii" [On the History of Christianity in Central Asia], Palestinskij Sbornik 15 [78] (1966).
Rong Xinjiang
1993 "Dunhuang Tulufan chutu zhonggu yilangyu wenxian yanjiu gaishu" [A Summary of the Research on Documents Written in Middle Iranian Languages Unearthed at Dunhuang and Turfan], in Ye Yiliang (ed.), Yilangxue zai Zhongguo lunwenji [Collection of Essays on Iranian Studies in China], I, Beijing daxue chubanshe [Peking University Press], Beijing 1993, 57-71.
Rtveladze, E. V. - Tašxodžaev, Š.S.
1973 "Ob odnoj tjurko-sogdijskoj monete s xristianskimi simvolami" [Concerning a Turkish-Sogdian Coin with Christian Symbols], Vizantijskij Vremennik 35 (1973).
Sachau, Eduard
1905 "Litteratur-Bruchstücke aus Chinesisch-Turkistan", Sitzungsberichte der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 47 (1905) 964-978.
1918 "Die Christianisierungs-Legende von Merw", in Wilhelm Frankenberg - Friedrich Küchler (eds.), Abhandlungen zur semitischen Religionskunde und Sprachwissenschaft. Wolf Wilhelm Grafen von Baudissin zum 26. September 1917 überreicht von Freunden und Schülern und in ihrem Auftrag und mit Unterstützung der Straßburger Cunitz-Stiftung, Toepelmann, Gießen 1918 (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 33), 399-409.
1919 Zur Ausbreitung des Christentums in Asien, Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1919 (Abhandlungen der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 1919/1).
Salemann, Carl Gustav Hermann
1907 "Manichaica II", Izvestija Imperatorskoj Akademii Nauk (Bulletin de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg) [6. Series] 14 (1907) 531-558.
1913 "Manichaica V", Izvestija Imperatorskoj Akademii Nauk (Bulletin de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg) [6. Series] 18 (1913) 1125-1144.
Schwartz, Martin
1967 Studies in the Texts of the Sogdian Christians, University of California, Berkeley 1967 (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation).
1970 "Miscellanea Iranica", in Mary Boyce - Ilya Gershevitch (eds.), W. B. Henning Memorial Volume, Lund Humphries, London 1970, 385-394.
1974 "Sogdian Fragments of the Book of Psalms", Altorientalische Forschungen 1 (1974) 257-261.
1991 "A Page of a Sogdian «Liber Vitæ»", in Ronald E. Emmerick - Dieter Weber (eds.), Corolla Iranica. Papers in Honour of Prof. Dr. David Neil MacKenzie on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday on April 8, 1991, Peter Lang, Frankfurt 1991, 157-166.
Semenov, Grigori L.
1996 Studien zur sogdischen Kulture an der Seidenstraße, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1996 (Studies in Oriental Religions 36), 57-68.
Sims-Williams, Nicholas
1973 "A Sogdian Fragment of a Work of Dādišo' Qaṭrāyā", Asia Major [New Series] 18/1 (1973) 88-105.
1976 "The Sogdian Fragments of the British Library", Indo-Iranian Journal 18 (1976) 43-82.
1981 "Syro-Sogdica I: An Anonymous Homily on the Three Periods of the Solitary Life", Orientalia Christiana Periodica 47/2 (1981) 441-446.
1982 "Syro-Sogdica II: A metrical Homily by Bābay bar Nṣibnāye «On the final evil hour»'", Orientalia Christiana Periodica 48/1 (1982) 171-176.
1983 "Indian Elements in Parthian and Sogdian", in Klaus Röhrborn - Wolfgang Veenker (eds.), Sprachen des Buddhismus in Zentralasien. Vorträge des Hamburger Symposions vom 2. Juli bis 5. Juli 1981, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1983 (Veröffentlichungen der Societas Uralo-Altaica 16), 132-141 [includes study of Indian loanwords in Christian Sogdian].
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1 Utz, David A., A Survey of Buddhist Sogdian Studies, Reiyukai Library, Tokyo 1978 (Bibliographia Philologica Buddhica. Series Minor 3). Reprint: 1980.
2 As far as I know, the most complete bibliography on this subject is included in: Tubach, Jürgen, "Die nestorianische Kirche in China", Nubica et Æthiopica 4-5 (1999) 61-193. See also the long bibliography at the end of Gillman, Ian - Klimkeit, Hans-Joachim, Christians in Asia before 1500, Curzon, Richmond 1999, 363-380.
3 The bibliography on works on all aspects of Sogdian (archaeology, history, language, etc.) is regularly covered in the annual Abstracta Iranica (Revue de l'Institut Français de Recherche en Iran à Téhéran). See also Yoshida Yutaka, "Sogudo-go kenkyū bunken mokuroku (1979-1984)" (Sogdian Bibliography for the Years 1979-1984), Seinan-Asia kenkyū (Bulletin of the Society for Western and Southern Asiatic Studies) 23 (1984) 81-87.
4 Almost all of these manuscripts, now in Berlin under the custody of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, can be viewed on the Akademie's website: http://www.bbaw.de/vh/turfan/index.html (select "Digitales Turfan-Archiv", and then "Christlich-soghdische Texte in nestorianischer Schrift"). Moreover, the TITUS (Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien) server has begun to make the Corpus of Sogdian Texts available on-line (data entry by Nicholas Sims-Williams); the second part of this Corpus, which is supposed to include Christian texts, is presented on the website: http://titus.uni-frankfurt.de/texte/etcs/iran/miran/sogd/sogdnswc/sogdn.html.
5 The competence of Prof. N. Sims-Williams (School of Oriental and African Studies - London), who had read my draft and brought several additional items to my attention, has been very precious for the compilation of this article: for that I wish to thank him.
Actualizado el 24/07/2004